Toledo Rotary Spoke Presentation
At the 2019 Toledo Rotary Spoke, Dean gave an in-depth presentation on protecting our elders through POA’s and guardianships. He shared statistics from the Ohio Adult Protective Services:
45% self-neglect
23% neglect by others
18% exploitation
8% emotional abuse
6% physical abuse
<1% sexual abuse
Mandatory Reporters are usually reporting such beliefs to the county department of job and family services. Understanding the different types of POA’s, financial and health care will help protect your elders as well as when a POA can be put in place and when guardianship is needed.
His presentation addresses various aspects of elder abuse including different types of abuse, identifying “mandatory reporters” of abuse, indicators of elder abuse, and positive and negative effects of powers of attorney and guardianships in relation to elder abuse.
You can watch a recording of the Toledo Rotary Spoke below. Skip to 19:15 to get to the beginning of Dean’s presentation.